Hi, I’m Lael, the face behind “Lael Read Pottery Co”.

My love for pottery came from my Nana and a generally creative family. A self-taught potter, she created everything from cookware to ornaments on a kick wheel and had a big old 3 phase kiln while also mixing her own glaze. These treasured pieces are still staples in my home as well as inspiration. 

As a child I used to make things with her in her shed. It was not until 2019 that I decided to pick up the clay once again, I did a few hand building classes and then found my love of the wheel, I play with both methods when making.

In 2021, I made the move from Auckland to Mangawhai, I decided to go all in, purchasing a kiln and wheel and spending weekends and evenings creating. From there it's snowballed slowly.

When I am not playing with clay, I’ll spending time with my dog, scuba diving somewhere warm, eating some delicious food or at my day job, a sales rep for a popular liquor distributor.